Countryside Animal Hospital of Hot Springs
We are making a few changes as we learn to adjust to these new circumstances:
Our hospital will be closed between to 12 and 1pm to allow all of our staff to have a lunch break and maximize our efficiency in caring for our patients.
When you bring your pet to our hospital, we ask that you:
Give us a call to let us know you are here for your appointment. Please verify your phone number so that we can contact you.
Please follow the signs to bring your pet to our check in area
We have the flags up in an effort to maintain the recommended social distancing guidelines. We appreciate all your efforts to help us with this.
We will be placing a slip leash on all our dogs when we come out to get them and ask that after we place the slip leash, you remove any harnesses or collars. Be sure they are not wearing any clothing/jackets/etc. Be sure that our felines are in a carrier. If you do not have one, let us know and we will bring one out for you.
After we bring your pet into our hospital, please return to your vehicle. We will communicate with you by cell phone to ensure that we address all of your concerns and verify needed services.
If there is already someone at our check in area, please remain in your vehicle until they have completed their check in and returned to their vehicle.
Please remember our pets are safe from COVID-19.
The CDC and other health authorities have indicated that dogs, cats, and other domestic animals are not considered at risk for contracting COVID-19. From the available research, there is no evidence at this point that pets can spread COVID-19 to other animals, including people. As medical experts, we continue to keep abreast of the latest research and will do everything possible to ensure all pets entrusted to our care are kept safe.
Saturdays: we will be seeing emergencies, sick and injured pets only from 8:30am to 12:00pm. If you need to get your pet in for routine care, we are happy to work with your schedule and make an appointment for you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at (501) 624-2351. We are grateful for your understanding and patience and as always....
“We love them, We fight for them, We are Countryside”